Tinospora Cordifolia.. Health Benefits
Local Name… Tippateega
Botanical Name. Tinospora cordifolia (wild) miers
Description :it is a perennial climber grows all over in TS forest in shady places. A large climber with succulent corky stem, leaves orbicular or ovate, cordate. Flowers greenish yellow glabrous male fascicled. Female solitary, pedicels long. Fruits globose, shortly stalked, red when ripe.
Flowering & farming july, September.
Therapeutic uses..
- 1.stem juice 5 ml is given orally at bed time in case of hyper acidity.
- 2.Stem. Powder is given with honey to cure cough and cold.
- 3.By chewing The Sterm cuttings daily it prevents all disease.
- 4.Consumption of tender leaves 2-3 no. Daily for 15 days on empty stomach. Reduce B.p. sugar. & also body weight.
Ayurveda Vaidya. Sk. Bahar ali